
We see two problems that our ministry can help solve. The solutions we provide come in word and deed

Estonia is one of the least religious countries in the world. Fifty eight percent of the population say they have no religion, sixteen percent are Eastern Orthodox Christian, eight percent Lutheran and three percent other Christian.

We believe that ‘Jesus makes life better and makes us better at life.” - (Andy Stanley) and that everyone has ‘unsurpassable worth and value to God and creation.’- (Greg Boyd). A guy named Paul wrote a letter to the Roman church saying “How, then, can they call on him they have not believed in? And how can they believe without hearing about him? And how can they hear without a preacher?” (Rom‬ ‭10‬:‭14‬ ‭CSB‬‬) We see a need to hear this message of the love of God for Estonia. 

Word: we preach the good news of Jesus. His life, teachings, death and resurrection has the power to transform lives and brings peace, joy and love where there is none.

Estonia has grown tremendously since regaining its freedom in 1991. They are on the forefront of many technological advances and have benefited from being part of the European Union and NATO. However, the financial benefits have not reached everyone. In 2021 the government's statistics show an absolute poverty rate of 1.4% and an at-risk poverty rate of 22.8%. That is 303,650 people whose lives can be dramatically affected by the lightest margins.

We believe that part of Jesus’ message was to feed people. In the Gospel According to Matthew Jesus is preaching to a large group of people. It says he had compassion on them and then in verse 16 of chapter 10 he says “They don’t need to go away,” Jesus told them. “You give them something to eat.” (‭‭Matt ‭14‬:‭16‬ ‭CSB‬‬) We see a need to be part of the solution for food insecurity in Estonia.

Deed: we partner with Toidupank (Food bank in Estonian) to provide volunteer and financial resources to alleviate hunger for the most vulnerable.

Jesus preached that the kingdom of God had come to Earth via his ministry and then he demonstrated that by healing people, setting them free from issues and feeding them. He interacted with everyone without judgment and spoke truth when repentance was required. Our ministry will model itself after Jesus in word and deed.




Piet Boerefijn

Founder and manager of the Estonian Food Bank (Toidupank)

Since Raf came to Estonia two years ago, he has been working as a volunteer in The Estonian Food Bank. A few times per week he helps with transport of food, mostly driving a van around in Tallinn or to food banks in the south or east of the country. Next, to this Raf became some kind of special advisor on different topics as management, leadership, how to work with volunteers and strategic planning. Much more than just a volunteer, he has become a reliable and wise advisor for the food bank who has also helped with development of the total structure of the 15 food banks and in finding new partners and donors.  

Raf is very good in networking, giving trainings and looking for new goals and strategies and has many friends among our staff and volunteers. 

He is always interested in trying to understand the not so easy to understand Estonian society and its specific problems and needs and has learned a lot in a short time. Just by doing, being curious and open and friendly, asking questions and talking to many different people. 

He has become a real fan of Estonia and specialist in some fields and has helped many people and organisations.

We very much appreciate all the work and all the good things Raf has done for the food bank and for Estonian society and hope he can keep on helping us in the coming years. 

Tim Lucas

Lead pastor, Liquid Church

How does a Puerto Rican kid from New York develop a burning passion for ministry in Estonia?  Only God!  I believe the Father hand-picked Raf Zayas & his wife Marje to advance Christ's Kingdom in the baltic nations... And used their last 10 years on the East Coast to perfectly equip them for the life-changing mission ahead!

I've had the privilege to serve as Raf's pastor over the last decade & watch up close as the Holy Spirit did an incredible work in the life of this special couple. God has deposited fire, passion, and a Spirit-filled vision in Raf's heart to reach the next generation in Estonia through marketplace ministry that resources young leaders.

As an associate pastor at our church, Raf compassionately cared for the hearts of hurting folks, prayed passionately, & boldly led people to experience Christ's power!  If you want to change a nation, you need incarnational young leaders plugged into the Spirit's power-- that is who Raf is & that is what he'll do in Estonia.  It's a thrill to support Raf & Marje in their global mission for Christ!

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Dave Adamson

Social media and online pastor, North Point

Spend just five minutes with Raf, and you will realize that he's a natural leader who has a vision and strategic plan to make that vision reality—but he’s so much more than that. I’ve had the opportunity to walk beside him on his spiritual journey and what I see is a pastor with incredible insight and compassion, a man of integrity, truth and grace, and a follower of Jesus who asks great questions. Raf understands that question marks open the door to conversations and fresh understandings, which is why he has sought mentors to stretch him, programs and courses to grow him, and ministry partners to guide him. In pursuing his vision to serve the people of Estonia, Raf has already impacted church leaders across the US—including me. I can not endorse Raf and Marje highly enough!

Tom Kang

Lead pastor, New Life Church

“Dreams” often come and go…but God’s call has tremendous sticking power.  I’ve seen that call in Rafael’s life for the greater part of ten years.  His heart for Estonia and the movement of God there is like none other.  But Rafael and his wife have been grounded thousands of miles away from Estonia.  Yet during this time, God has faithfully trained and used him in the areas of pastoral ministry and leadership.  And now it’s time to go.  What a thrill to see how God is unleashing them toward a land they love! 

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Robert C. Cantwell

President and CEO, B&G Foods, Inc.

Rafael worked for 20 years at B&G Foods.  It was a pleasure watching him mature and develop both professionally and personally during his years of service.  His loyalty and dedication, along with the trust I had in him, made for a very special employee.  Rafael developed into a strong leader during his tenure both in his organization and strategic leadership of his department.

In addition, Rafael was able to develop his employees to improve their abilities in their roles at B&G.  Most importantly he cared about the people who worked directly for him, along with his peers through the company.

I cannot support Rafael enough and truly wish him the best on his new and exciting journey.

Rev. Annette Cutino

Director of Advance, Lead.NYC, The New York City Leadership Center

Vision is a powerful force.  Vision without strong leadership and strategic thinking is only dreaming.  Now, dreaming is important but bringing the dream or vision to pass is what leaders do.  Rafael is a strong leader, visionary, strategic thinker along with the necessary practical tools in his toolkit -- makes him quite effective. From our very first encounter, he communicated his vision for Estonia with clarity and focus.  He successfully completed our organizational leadership training and left with a strategic action plan to bring his vision to fruition.  He also has a secret ingredient - ferocity – that is needed to make a lasting impact wherever he goes.   He has God sized faith to make this God size dream happen.  I for one cannot wait to see how God uses Rafael and his wife to bring His kingdom to Estonia. 


Our Videos



Who we are

Our ministry serves in word and deed


When Jesus overturns the tables in the temple, what was his plan? In this video I try to take look into temples and table to see how we can live this out today.

How many times should I forgive? Too many to count. See how Jesus answers this question from Peter.

Clip #2 of a full video on Matthew 11:16-30. Busy and need for rest. Jesus says come to me and I will give you rest. Sabbath is our rest.

Fun Facts About Estonia